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Foot Reflexology is an ancient healing practice based on the principle that there are reflex points on the feet that correspond to the body’s different organs and glands. These points are located on the soles, ankles, toes and upper part of the foot. In reflexology, pressure is applied to special areas on the feet with specific thumb, finger or hand techniques.

1. Promotes Better Sleep
2. Improves Blood Circulation
3. Relieves Aches and Pains

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With Chinese traditional deep tissue technique, full body massage helps to regulate the flow of energy and blood. It is based on the concept of life energy which flows through “meridians” in the body. During the treatment, physical pressure is applied to accupoint with the aim of clearing blockages in these meridians, which helps in promote healthier lifestyle.
1. Boosts immunity
2. Eases muscle pain
3. Soothes anxiety and depression

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Aromatherapy can be defined as the art and science of utilizing naturally extracted aromatic essences from plants to balance, harmonize and promote the health of body, mind and spirit.

1. Reduces stress levels to enable better well-being, for better sleep, increase in energy and better concentration.
2. Relieves pain and body stiffness by releasing endorphins which acts as a natural pain relief.
3. It increases and improves blood circulation to the body, strengthening and supporting the body in its own healing process.

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Cupping is one of the oldest methods of traditional Chinese medicine. Through suction, the skin is drawn into the cup by creating a vacuum in the cup placed on the skin over the targeted area. Cupping treatment helps to reduce body pain and inflammation. It can also help stimulate digestion and improve the removal of waste from the body, detoxifying the body to shed excess weight.
1. Help reduce pain
2. Boost skin health & immunity
3. Treat respiratory issue and colds

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Gau sha translates directly from Chinese as, “to scrape away fever.” Traditional Chinese Medicine has long believed illnesses such as colds get trapped on the exterior of our bodies where they meet the “troops” of our immune system. Gua Sha remedies your daily aches and pains or headaches to chronic severe ailments. It scrapes the skin surface to produce Petechiae(a series of reddish, minute haemorrhages that look like a red coloured speckled rash) helps to detoxify the body and relieve pain.

1. Treat fatigue caused by exposure to heat
2. Treat muscle and tendon injuries
3. Treat headache

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Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves the burning of mugwort, a small, spongy herb, to facilitate healing. Moxibustion has been used throughout Asia for thousands of years; in fact, the actual Chinese character for acupuncture, translated literally, means “acupuncture-moxibustion.” The purpose of moxibustion, as with most forms of traditional Chinese medicine, is to strengthen the blood, stimulate the flow of qi, and maintain general health.

1. Boosts Immunity
2. Promote lymphatic drainage
3. Treat muscular/tissue tension, injuries and blockages