5 Health Benefits of Foot Reflexology – Precious Foot Reflexology

Precious Foot Reflexology Massage Health Benefit

5 Health Benefits of Foot Reflexology


In the world today, we’ve embarked in a new level of busy. From our long working hours to family commitments and meeting friends, we often neglect our wellbeing at the expense of social commitments. As such, many people in Singapore turn to foot reflexology to relieve their stress. This popular solution is a growing trend in Singapore. It’s true that everyone enjoys it, but does it really embody any health benefits other than a stress relief treatment?

The practice of foot reflexology varies upon different countries and cultures. From traditional therapeutic techniques to acupoint massage, the core technique is to stimulate a multitude of reflex points in the feet to allow the beneficial flow to internal organs functions.

The art of reflexology dates back to ancient time. This concept has since maintained a large following overtime, mainly due to the claims of providing relief and promoting good health. While there are very little scientific evidence to back up the many miraculous claims of foot reflexology, we cannot deny what makes this simple foot treatment such a popular trend in Singapore. As such, we have provided 5 scientifically proven facts on the benefits of foot reflexology to put you mind at ease.

1. Mental Health and Stress can be reduced through Foot Reflexology

Precious Foot Reflexology Health Benefit


It is believed that a foot reflexology a day, keeps the balance of your psychological health in order. But hey, don’t take our word for it. According to an article published by the University of Hertfordshire, the research states that a simple five minute foot reflexology has the potential to induce relaxation to patients in the critical care unit and even reduce blood pressure and heart rate. Therefore, before you decide to rage at someone in the future, always think of foot reflexology first.

2. Foot Reflexology can improve High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is reported to be a persistent problem in Singapore’s society. Foot Reflexology has been reported to improve the conditions of high blood pressure. According to Pusan National University, a continued sessions of Foot Reflexology improved the systolic blood pressure and blood triglyceride levels. So for those of us who pursue a foodie career and/or enjoy a midnight munch, please pamper yourself with a with a weekly dose of foot reflexology.

3. Foot Reflexology reduces your symptoms of PMS

Precious Foot Reflexology Health Benefit Stress


Good news guys! We have found your solution to your potential monthly arguments with your other half. Once a month, many women are constantly haunted with bloating, mood changes and cramping. As such, causing mood swings and uneasiness. According to Obstetrics and Gynecology journal, the women who underwent foot reflexology sees an improvement in their symptoms of PMS. For all our ladies out there, now you have an excuse to convince your other half for a foot reflexology package.

4. Foot Reflexology is proven to act as a Natural Pain Reliever

Throw away all the artificial Paracetamol people! We have found a new pain relief method that is all natural. According to Indiana University School of Nursing, it is found that patients who went through foot reflexology treatments reported a better result in pain relief symptoms compared to those on pain medication. It is always better to choose a natural remedy rather than a artificial method isn’t it?

5. Foot Reflexology allows for a Better Sex Life

Precious Foot Reflexology Health Benefit Sex


We saved the best for last. It is proven that foot reflexology can improve your sex life. When pressure is applied to certain points in the feet, it corresponds to different parts of the body. The different acupoints on your foot allows for a direct relief and stimulation, as such, knowing the right buttons to push can lead into a happier sex life. Of course, this particular foot reflexology service must be performed only in the bedroom.

From stress relief to a better sex life, it seems like incorporating a few sessions of foot reflexology a week could potentially keep the doctors away. The benefits of foot reflexology is great for both your mental and physical health. Since Precious Foot Reflexology took the time to provide such great information for you, do come visit us at any of our 4 outlets to reap these benefits right away. Visit our promotions page or Facebook for cheaper and better deals!